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Updated Visitor Info May 4

Hi there,

Good news everyone! Jon is in the process of being medically cleared by neurology, and will be moving to the Therapy unit shortly. It is on the third floor of the same building, Keck Hospital of USC. Same directions as the before:

  • He is in Keck Hospital of USC (the main hospital); the easiest way to GPS there is to punch in 1501 North Soto Street as the destination. The Parking lot closest to the hospital is at the corner of N. Soto and Norfolk, and you can walk uphill a bit to reach HCC 1, where you will be in the Gold Lobby. Ask directions and proceed to the Cardinal Lobby, which is the main Keck Hospital of USC building. 

It is open visitation hours there, from what I understand, and they encourage visits and interaction. If you would like to bring something for the visit, I recommend brain stimulating activities like puzzles, maybe a lego kit, or alternatively, food that can be shared with the nursing and medical staff--they are his guardian angels.

The name of the game now is re-working neural connectivity--gross and fine motor skills, memory, verbal abilities, recognition. He's working as hard as I am, I know he really is, and I love him for it.

Love to you all, and thank you for the kind messages!



  1. Hi Min
    Great progress on Jon's part. So happy. IF there's no restriction on visitation hours. I probably will pop in any where between 1 to 3pm tomorrow
    Probably will bring some munchies.
    Look forward to seeing Mr. Ho.
    So happy to hear of his progress.
    You are both doing great. Keep up the good work and hello to the boys. xoxo Elizabeth


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