The brain is a mystery and a marvel. When I'm in my clearer moments of being (my normal cycle is calm/productive, then exhausted, in between there are still crying jags and feeling despair/guilt/anxiety, but mostly that's limited to when I'm alone in the car. By the way, this has always been my escape pod. My memoir could be titled "Crying in my car: One Woman's Relationship with her Car") I turn over the facts of the clinical case in my mind, over and over. So yesterday, our darling niece was planning to come by for a visit. So I let Jon know before Alex and I left in the late afternoon. He rolled his eyes and went "humph." Our darling girl is a sweetheart and we love her tremendously, but she is 1) a youngster and 2) an Angeleno, which means plans change and traffic can dictate anyone's whole day. So he expressed his usual skepticism that she would be on time, or arrive at all. When I came back in the evening with Casey, Casey asked "H...
Fantastic. Thanks for sharing. You and Jon are doing great team work. Hope you remember to breathe.