1. Jon's blood pressure, the EVD and his cranial pressure, and his feeding tube (when he can come off it.) especially the feeding tube. That totally blows having it in, since he has chewing and swallowing down just fine. 2. Corey's AP Chem test on Monday. He seems pretty cool and confident about it, and seriously seems to have his act together on several fronts. I would be a hot mess in his shoes, but he's brighter than me, fortunately. 3. All the rigamarole I'll have to sort through on the accounts that I don't have logins for--utilities, personal cards, car insurance, etc.--I wonder if companies run into this situation often? My guess is yes. We probably aren't the only couple in America that divides up responsibilities and doesn't sit down to exchange passwords and account information. Luckily we have each other's phone lock codes, otherwise I'd really be screwed. Off to the bank on Monday to get some things in motion. 4. Casey's newfoun...